German Ranking of Sustainability Reports – English report now available

Source: The website of the German Ranking, 18 March 2005

The German ranking of sustainability reports is a follow up of former rankings of environmental reports carried out in 1994, 1996, 1998 and 2000. The methodology applied in the new sustainability ranking considers social and environmental requirements with equal weight. For evaluating the reports 48 different criteria were used. The requirements fit to the GRI Guidelines but give less attention to indicators.
In the ranking all (=53) sustainability reports of the largest 150 German companies were considered. The best report in the ranking is the Sustainability Report from Henkel. The results of the ranking were published in the German business magazin Capital.

The full results of the ranking and an analysis of strengths, weaknesses and developments of sustainability reporting are documented in the report “Sustainability Reporting in Germany: Summary of the Results and Trends of the 2005 Ranking” by Jens Clausen and Thomas Loew.

Download the report (pdf)
Download/order the winning report of Henkel