The University of Oslo together with Cass Business School and Frank Bold organise the “Non-Financial Reporting for a Circular Economy” conference on September 19 at the Norway House in Brussels.
The conference will look into the potential of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive to improve corporate governance and foster the shift towards a sustainable global economy. European academics, businesses, civil society experts and regulators will be brought together to identify and highlight the best practices on the legislative, business and investor levels.
Speakers include:
- Pavan Sukhdev, Founder-CEO of GIST and former head of UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative (Keynote)
- Richard Howitt, CEO of the International Integrated Reporting Council (Keynote)
- Zsofia Kerecsen, Policy Officer, DG Justice, European Commission
- Heidi Hautala, MEP, Greens/EFA
- Antoine Begasse, Policy Officer, DG FISMA, European Commission
- Jo Iwasaki, Head of Corporate Governance at ACCA
- Martin Rich, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Future-Fit Business
- Ladislas Smia, Co-head of Responsible Investment Research, MIROVA – Responsible Investing
- Cora Olsen, Global Lead TBL Reporting at NovoNordisk
- Niny Borges, Head of Legal, New Energy Solutions and Chief Counsel Sustainability Statoil
- Lise Bergan, Corporate Affairs Director at Cermaq
- Jennifer Law, Vice President at BlackRock – Investment Stewardship
- Eleni Choidas, European Policy Officer at ShareAction
- Harald Francke Lund, Senior Advisor at CICERO – Center for International Climate Research
- The event will feature research presentations by Stuart Cooper, University of Bristol (Keynote); Katarzyna Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna, University of Glasgow; Koen van Bommel, VU Amsterdam; Georgina Tsagas, University of Bristol; Amanda Sonnerfeldt, Lund University; Jukka Mähönen, Beate Sjåfjell and Eli Rudshagen from University of Oslo.
The event is free of charge but registration is required: https://nettskjema.uio.no/answer/85216.html