Better disclosure of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices, increased access to board members, disclosure of a board skills matrix, a robust board evaluation process and pay for performance are among the key areas of concern to global institutional investors looking ahead to the 2017 annual meeting season and long-term engagement themes, according to results of Morrow Sodali’s annual Institutional Investor survey 2017.
“At Morrow Sodali we recognize that to effectively serve companies, we must establish a relationship of credibility and trust with institutional investors, promoting the integration of ESG policies, business strategy and financial performance,” said John Wilcox, Morrow Sodali Chairman, “In line with this principle, the Institutional Investor Survey is one of the tools that allows us to be a listener, bringing investor views unfiltered to our clients, thus helping companies correct misperceptions and explain how their governance and business decisions serve shareholder interests,” he added.
Read the full survey here