Companies fearful of embracing open online sustainability debate

Source: The Guardian, 15 October 2009

Why businesses are failing to use web 2.0 to become more transparent in their CSR reporting.
I spent some time this week presenting our new sustainability reporting website to a group of senior CSR executives as part of a roundtable discussion organised by Two Tomorrows, the consultancy that does our auditing.

The purpose of the meeting was to look at new trends in reporting and to see how companies can embrace the communication of social, ethical and environmental performance on the web.

What was heartening was the positive feedback we received for the Guardian site, which we launched in July, adding on this blog just a couple of weeks ago. The execs particularly liked two aspects; the fact that the articles and blogs are open to comment and that we are the first company in the world to be operating a rolling programme of auditing rather than relying on a once a year independent check-up.

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