Have your say! GRI G3.1 Public Comment Periods

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 12 August 2010

Incremental revisions are an essential piece of the work being carried out today to keep the GRI Guidelines up-to-date. GRI would like your input on the next generation of the Sustainability Reporting Framework related to Community, Gender, Human Rights and Content & Materiality.
The Community, Gender and Human Rights related revision recommendations are available for public comment for 90 days from 26 May until 23 August. The Report Content & Materiality protocol and related proposal for revisions to the G3 Guidelines is available for public comment for 90 days from 24 June to 22 September.

The feedback generated in the G3.1 public comment period will be incorporated into the discussions and the resulting final revision recommendations made by the Working Groups.

Visit the online survey to have your say on the proposed revisions to the G3 Guidelines for Gender, Community and Human Rights. Download the reference document for this survey here.

These revisions will make GRI’s Reporting Framework and the current G3 Guidelines more relevant, transparent, and specific, without adding extra complexity to the reporting process.

Visit the online survey to have your say on the proposed Report Content & Materiality Protocol and the related proposal for revisions to the G3 Guidelines. The reference document for this survey can be downloaded here.
The recommendations have been developed by four different international multi-stakeholder Working Groups with representatives from a range of organizations and a diverse number of geographies including among others Australia, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, India, Mongolia, South Africa, the UK, and the USA.