New report about the economics of sustainable business

Source: Britisch Telecom, 15 June 2000

Britisch Telecom (BT) published a report where the economical aspects of sustainable business have been worked out. This document is input for the new GRI version. Therefore there are also indicators defined.
Sustainabily is about People, Planet and Profit. So is sustainability reporting where a standard is in development, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The P’s of People and Planet have been worked out well at the moment, this isn’t the fact with Profit. It’s more than only the financial balance sheet of a company. It’s more about the economical aspects. but what?
Britisch Telecom (BT) published a report where the economical aspects of sustainable business have been worked out. This document is input for the new GRI version. Therefore there are also indicators defined.
The report has the name "Adding Values, The economics of sustainable business" and has been prepared in cooperation with Simon Zadek, chair of the Institute for Social and Ethical AccountAbility.
The report is fully available online in PDF-format.

Download the full report (PDF)