On 2nd July 2002 the Commission adopted a communication concerning "CSR, a business contribution to sustainable development".
The consultation process on the Green Paper has supported Community action in the field of CSR. In the present Communication, which constitutes a follow-up to last years Green paper, the Commission presents a EU strategy to promote CSR. It consists of six chapters. The first chapter briefly summarises the outcome of the
consultation process. The second chapter develops the European strategy to promote CSR including a definition of the concept of CSR, its place in the sustainable development context and its impact on business and society. Chapters three to six describe related proposed actions.
The Communication is addressed to the European institutions, Member States, Social Partners as well as business and consumer associations, individual enterprises and other concerned parties, as the European strategy to promote CSR can only be further
developed and implemented through their joint efforts. The Commission invites
enterprises and their stakeholders as well as Social Partners in candidate countries to join this initiative.