Non-Polluters Average $10.4 Billion Higher Market Value

Source: INFORMS, 6 September 2000

Contrary to the belief that multinationals suffer from environmental regulation, large companies that adopt strict global environmental standards in developing countries are rewarded with higher stock market performance, according to a study published in a journal of the Institute for >>> read more

CICA supports GRI

Source:, 17 August 2000

The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) has announced its support for the recent release of the revised Sustainability Reporting Guidelines issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The Sustainability Reporting Guidelines make recommendations for reporting on the economic, environmental >>> read more

New ranking of German Environmental Reports

Source: I, 4 August 2000

For the fourth time IÖW and future e.V. have tested the quality of German environmental reports in the "Ranking of Environmental Reporting". The results are published in the latest edition of the German business journal CAPITAL. 150 of the largest >>> read more

Report on Stakeholder Value published

Source: Frank Figge, 29 June 2000

The University Of Lueneburg and the Swiss private bank PICTET & CIE have published a report in Stakeholder Value in association with United Nations Environment Programma (UNEP).The report defines and measures Stakeholder Value for the first time and applies the >>> read more