Australian ACCA sustainability reporting awards winners

Source: Ethical investor, 4 June 2003

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) announced the winners of the 2002 Sustainability Reporting Awards for Australia yesterday. City West Water took out the top honour, for the Best Sustainability Report 2002.

BHP Billiton and Sydney Water were jointly awarded the Best Environmental Reporting prize. The Judges said that BHP Billitons report demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by including summaries of progress on previously set targets, as well as a high level of detail about the companys governance structure. Judges were impressed by Sydney Waters comprehensive warts-and-all verification process and on its having set and commented on 20 measurable objectives.
Both BHP Billiton and Sydney Water have been under the spotlight for shortcomings in their environmental performance over recent years.

Toyota Australia was also commended as a new reporter for its environmental report, and Tarong Energy received a commendation for environmental reporting.