LuxSE publishes guide to ESG reporting

Source: , 15 October 2019

In line with its stated objective to promote transparent capital markets, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) has published a set of comprehensive guidelines for reporting on Environmental, Social and Governance aspects (ESG). Reflecting the unique diversity in its capital market >>> read more

Sustainability assurance’s link to reporting quality

Source: , 11 October 2019

The number of companies across the world who issue some form of sustainability report continues to increase. However, even as organizations place more emphasis on improving reporting quality related to the environmental and social impact of their business activities, little >>> read more

ABN AMRO wins ‘Finance for the future award’

Source: , 11 October 2019

ABN AMRO yesterday received the ‘Finance for the Future Award 2019’ in London in the category ‘Communicating integrated thinking’. An award for their communications on integrated thinking leading to the bank’s integrated report and impact report. The Finance for the Future >>> read more

Advancing sustainability reporting in Greater China region

Source: GRI, 25 September 2019

In a strategic move to best meet the diverse needs of companies and stakeholders in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, GRI’s regional base has relocated from Beijing to Hong Kong. Headed by Verna Lin, an experienced sustainability and >>> read more

60% of Russell1000® are publishing Sustainability Reports

Source: , 5 September 2019

Governance & Accountability Institute (G&A) announces the results of its inaugural study on the 2018 sustainability reporting trends of the companies in the Russell 1000 Index®.  This research expands G&A’s annual studies, conducted for the last eight years, of the S&P 500® >>> read more