AA1000 Series Assurance Standard consultation document

Source: AccountAbility, 6 June 2002

"Reporting without verification is like blood without haemoglobin" [John Elkington, Chair, Sustainability Ltd, previously member of AccountAbility’s Council] Social, environmental and Sustainability reporting has grown dramatically in recent years, led by large corporations, particularly those with high public profiles and >>> read more

Europe’s business community responds to CSR debate

Source: Euractiv.com, 6 June 2002

The European business community has called for a constructive debate on corporate social responsibility in an open letter to Commission President, Romano Prodi. In the letter, European business associations UNICE, ERT and CSR propose five principles that should underpin the >>> read more

CSR: half of Europe’s SMEs engage in socially beneficial activities

Source: EU, 31 May 2002

Corporate social responsibility: half of Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises engage in socially beneficial activities, says new Commission report Half of Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) already engage in socially responsible activities that benefit the local community, such as >>> read more

Australian companies lag on sustainability reporting

Source: Ethical Investor, 29 May 2002

Australian companies significantly lag their international counterparts in triple bottom line reporting according to new research by KPMG. The forthcoming research paper titled KPMG International Survey of Corporate Sustainability Reporting 2002, was previewed at a business forum attended by over >>> read more

New environmental criteria for FTSE4Good indices

Source: FTSE4Good, 25 May 2002

The first major review of the FTSE4Good selection criteria took place in May 2002. As a result the ground rules are being updated starting with the environmental criteria. This is the timetable: September 2002: All companies in the indices receive >>> read more

High-tech companies not committed to sustainability

Source: Nautilus, 24 May 2002

Despite voluntary efforts to reduce environmental impacts, semiconductor companies are not adequately grappling with the environmental, health and labor impacts of their production and assembly operations, especially in developing countries and global supply chains, according to a new report released >>> read more

May 2002 update GRI

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 21 May 2002

May 2002 update of The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with the following topics: * First 33 Members of Stakeholder Council Announced * Draft Child Labour, Energy, and Water Protocols Available * Comment Period on Draft 2002 Guidelines Closes 26 May >>> read more